Program Requirements
How to get to Graduation with The Center.
Tier 1: Required Courses
AP Seminar
AP Research
AP English Language
AP English Literature
Tier 2: Emphasis Courses (3 at the AP level)
AP Calculus
AP Computer Science A
AP Statistics
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Environmental Science
AP Physics
Principles of Engineering
Visual & Performing Arts
AP Art History
AP Music Theory
AP Studio Art: 2-D Design
AP Studio Art: Drawing
Chamber Orchestra H
Wind Ensemble H
Vocal Ensemble H
Concert Choir
Jazz Ensemble
Dance Team
Theater Practicum 3/4
Humanities/Social Science
AP European History
AP Government/Microeconomics
AP Human Geography
AP US History
AP Psychology
Athletics ▪ Leadership ▪ Competitive Academics
Associated Student Body/Leadership
Varsity Athletics
Academic Decathalon
Mock Trial
Journalism Advanced
Marching Band (3rd Year)
World Languages
AP French Language
AP Spanish Language
Spanish 5 CP
Japanese 3 CP
Tier 3: Senior Culminating Experience
Students extend or implement research or interest in a meaningful way. Facilitated through Senior AP English Literature course. Conference with on-campus/off-campus expert advisor. All projects must pass IRB/SRC and be submitted to Regeneron Science Talent Search or other approved competition.
Courses offered based on student interest and instructor availability. Some courses require prerequisite classes and/or teacher approval.
Sample Course of Study
9th Grade
English 9 H
Geometry H/CP
Biology H
AP Human Geography, VPA, or Health*
World Language
Physical Education (Cheer, Dance, Marching Band, Sport)
10th Grade
AP Seminar
English 10 H
Algebra 2 H/CP
Chemistry H
AP European History or get-ahead Summer School
World Language
Physical Education (Cheer, Dance, Marching Band, Sport)
11th Grade
AP English Language
Math Analysis H/CP
AP US History or get-ahead Summer School
World Language
AP Research
12th Grade
AP English Literature
AP Calculus or Dual-Enrollment Statistics**
AP Government/AP Microeconmics
World Language or Elective
*Health in Summer School. **Dual-Enrollment Statistics and Philosophy are one semester courses.
“In my time in The Center, I have gained the ability to research a topic, filter our the unnecessary information, and create a informed project to communicate a problem and solution. One benefit of The Center is the amount of freedom you have to go off on your own. A student in The Center can pick a path that interests them and design their own process for how they would like to complete the task.”
Kyle Lobenhofer - Class of 2021
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Journalism & Media Major